This field is all about innovation, discovery and research. If you are interested in trying new things, conducting experiments and making scientific breakthroughs; then this industry awaits you. This is one sector that focuses on improving lives by working on commercial enterprises, technology, nature, world, universe and developing our knowledge of science. Careers in science are generally exciting, interesting and carry significance for the greater good – scientific research and development in this field is limitless; new things can discovered and a lot can always be improved upon. Jobs in this sector stretch across different fascinating areas like astrophysics, marine biology, zoological sciences and pharmacology. You have to have high intelligence level, a logical mind, great ambitions to pursue and excel in this field – this is not for the weaker hearts.
Consider this as your choice of path if you are interested in any of the following-
Analytical chemist
Animal technician
Biomedical engineer
Biomedical scientist
Clinical psychologist
Clinical research associate
Clothing/textile technologist
Colour technologist
Community pharmacist
Crime scene investigator
Environmental health practitioner
Food technologist
Forensic scientist
Healthcare scientist, audiology
Healthcare scientist, clinical biochemistry
Healthcare scientist, clinical embryology
Healthcare scientist, genomics
Healthcare scientist, histocompatibility and immunogenetics